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Choosing the Right Horn Speaker for Your Sound System: A Guide by SPON

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Author: SPON COMM2024-04-19

When you're in the market for a horn speaker to boost your sound system, it's natural to wonder: "How do I make the right choice?" Let's explore the SPON horn speaker family and break down the key factors to consider when selecting the perfect horn speaker.

Horn speakers come in two main types: IP horn speakers and analog horn speakers.

SPON IP horn speakers are super convenient. They pack everything into one neat package: speakers, decoders, and amplifiers. Plus, they can directly connect to your audio sources for sound output and can be powered either through PoE (Power over Ethernet) or DC power. On the other hand, analog horn speakers need an external amplifier to work and don't require an external power source.

Here's what you need to know about each type:

Transmission Method:

IP horn speakers send audio signals over networks (like the Internet or LAN) using digital data formats. Analog horn speakers transmit audio signals over traditional electrical lines using analog signals.

Signal Quality:

IP horn speakers deliver better audio quality and clarity because they use digital signals, which are more stable. Analog horn speakers might suffer from interference or signal weakening, which can mess with sound quality.


IP horn speakers are super flexible. They can easily team up with other digital audio gear and can be managed and controlled remotely over the network. Analog horn speakers have limited scalability and need more physical connections and setup.


IP horn speakers come with loads of cool features. You can do things like adjust volume remotely and schedule when to play music. Analog horn speakers are simpler. They mainly just make your audio louder and let you tweak the sound a bit.

Now, let's think about what matters when you're picking between IP and analog horn speakers:

Budget Constraints:

If you're tight on cash, analog horn speakers might be the way to go. They're usually cheaper than IP speakers.

Simple Audio Needs:

If you only need basic sound boosting and tweaking, analog horn speakers could be all you need. No need to splurge on fancy IP systems.


If you've already got a bunch of analog audio gear, sticking with analog horn speakers can keep everything working smoothly together.

Ease of Setup and Maintenance:

Analog horn speakers are pretty straightforward. They're easy to set up and don't need much fussing over. Great for folks who don't want to spend ages tinkering with settings.Centralized Oversight and Command.

In short, the choice between IP and analog horn speakers boils down to what you need, how much you've got to spend, and what tech you're already working with. While IP speakers offer perks like top-notch audio quality and nifty features, analog speakers still have their place thanks to their simplicity, affordability, and compatibility with existing gear.