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Perfecting Acoustic Harmony: Key Considerations for Optimal Conference Hall Sound Systems

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Author: SPON COMM2023-12-14

A multifunctional conference room serves not only as a space for meetings and presentations but also as a venue for employees to engage in recreational activities such as singing, dancing, music, and theatrical performances. It demands a high-quality sound system that collaborates seamlessly with these activities, aiming to faithfully reproduce various audio sources. The goal is to ensure smooth and flawless performances, allowing both performers and audience members to not only visually appreciate the beauty but also experience the auditory pleasure akin to enjoying the enchanting sounds of nature. This necessitates a well-designed sound system with high and uniform sound field capabilities, providing excellent clarity and fullness in reproducing musical signals.

Typically, a system configuration includes main speakers, subwoofers, monitor speakers, auxiliary speakers, fill speakers, and line array speakers, along with audio processing equipment, power amplifiers, and mixing devices. Multiple sets of wireless handheld and lapel microphones are also recommended. Three key considerations are highlighted:

Feedback Prevention: To prevent feedback issues during public speaking, feedback suppressors should be employed. Due to the dynamic nature of microphone positions in conference settings, a frequency-shifting feedback suppressor is recommended. To avoid affecting music quality, conference microphones can be routed through a frequency-shifting feedback suppressor before being mixed into the main audio channel or integrated into a digital conference system's analog audio output.

User-Friendly Audio Processing: Considering that most organizations lack professionally trained sound engineers, it is advisable to keep audio processing settings relatively simple to maintain consistent sound quality over time. Intelligent processors or audio media matrix systems can be used to handle various audio inputs, applications (such as conferences, performances, instruments, and ambient settings), and personnel scenarios (full, half, or no audience). Storing these settings as presets for easy recall, preferably integrated with a centralized control system, helps streamline audio adjustments and minimizes user interventions.

In a hands-on discussion for a simple sound reinforcement system, clear and intelligible speech is usually the primary requirement, with pleasant background music. Therefore, moderately powered, high-pressure speakers such as columns, wall-mounted, and ceiling speakers are commonly used. Audio processing often involves employing frequency-shifting feedback suppressors.

Learn More information about SPON 2nd Generation Conference System Unbounded: https://sponcomm.com/collections/2nd-gen-conference-system